Title Insurance Explained Visually

  What is title insurance and why should any buyer get it when purchasing a home (single family, townhouse, condo, apartment, or whatever format your home purchase takes)? Doesn’t the attorney or settlement company handling the closing see to...

Understanding Your Loan: Closing Cost Details

  Page 2 of your Closing Disclosure details specific closing costs. Section A includes: Origination charges collected by the lender Origination fees paid to brokers, loan officers or other parties and Discount Points – prepaid interest. These figures should...

Your Rights And Rules For Closing Disclosures

  The Closing Disclosure documents the actual terms of your loan transaction. You should receive it no later than 3 business days before consummation. It must be in writing – paper or digital. If the loan terms or costs change prior to consummation, your...

Understanding Loan Estimate Comparisons

  Page 3 of your Loan Estimate includes measures to help you compare loans. “In X Years” shows the total amount you will have paid in that time, and the dollar amount applied to your loan principal. The ratio between total paid and principal reduced...