What Is The Best Way To Compare Loan Terms Between Lenders? Watch this video and take a few notes! First, devise a checklist for the information from each lending institution. You should include: the company's name and basic information...
What Is A Counter-Offer? The video puts this in more visual terms, but basically, a seller can respond to a buyer’s offer with changes - a “counter” - that improves the terms. You need to put yourself in...
How Do I Evaluate An Offer? Well, as this story shows, there’s more to an offer than the price tag. Factors you should consider: Is this offer at, near or above my asking price? Are there clauses and...
What Details Can I Ask Brokers In Advance? This video tells you what any real estate professional would tell you. Ask them: How long do homes in my neighborhood currently stay on the market? How would you price my home?...
Why Use A REALTOR® A state license is required to sell real estate. But roughly half of those licensed take the additional step of becoming a REALTOR®. As we show you in this video, only members of...
How Can I Improve My Home’s Value? Buyers generally seek the least expensive home in the best neighborhood they can handle. Like the guy in the video says, you want to present a home that fits in the neighborhood...
What Is Mortgage Insurance? Like the video shows, mortgage insurance is a policy that protects lenders against some or most of the losses that result from defaults on home mortgages. Like home or auto...
What Costs or Fees Are Associated With Loan Origination? Yes, loan origination involves costs and fees. As you’ll see in the video, when you turn in your application you'll be required to pay a loan application fee to cover the costs of...
What Types Of Closing Costs Are Associated With FHA-Insured Loans? While this video simplifies things to help you remember, except for the addition of an FHA mortgage insurance premium, FHA closing costs are similar to those of a conventional...
What Are The Steps Involved In The FHA Loan Process? The video puts this in more visual terms, but with the exception of a few additional forms the FHA loan application process is similar to that of a conventional loan. With new...